What to expect....
What are Sunday mornings like?
On Sundays we gather at 10am for worship through music and prayer before taking an intentional approach to engaging Scripture. We tend to simply work through books of the Bible together and currently we are focused in a series through the Gospel of John. We also value responding to God’s word through musical worship at the conclusion to our service. Regardless of your current understanding of the Bible we hope to inspire you, challenge you in your thinking and help you take a step forward in your understanding of God’s character and purposes.
Following the service, guests are invited to stay for coffee and fellowship together.
The Lord's Supper.
Our practice is to participate in the Lord's Supper as often as we come together, therefore we celebrate this meal every week at Community to remember the crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and look forward to His return.
What about my children?
We believe in encouraging families to worship together in our morning service while also providing age-appropriate, Biblical teaching in the context of Sunday School. Currently we are feeling blessed to use The Gospel Project curriculum for Kids as a tool to help develop a solid approach and love for engaging God's Word.
Am I expected to give money?
No. We do take an offering on Sunday morning that our members and committed attendees may participate in, but we do not expect guests and visitors to give any money. We are just happy to have you visiting with us!
What should I wear?
Come as you are. If you prefer to put on "Sunday's best", we're happy to have you. If you prefer casual attire - that works great, we are happy to have you here as we focus on Christ.